The Foundation
The David Hume Institute Foundation – Center for Research in Normative and Institutional Evolution – is a research center and academic think tank that is set to explore different lines of thought in the areas of law, the humanities, and the social sciences, with the aim of understanding the evolution of norms and institutions and make public policy proposals. It carries out its activities under the direction of Dr. Eliana María Santanatoglia, who holds the position of Executive Director. The institution has the advice of an Advisory Board whose members are prominent academics and professionals.
Also professionals and academics sit on The Foundation’s Board of Directors, the body responsible for monitoring compliance with its mission. Founded on August 13, 2010, the Hume Foundation has been able to develop its activities thanks to the permanent contribution of professionals and businessmen. It has its headquarters in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Last Activities

Second meeting - Discussion group "The Instutional Challenges of Argentina"
El miércoles 16 de noviembre de 2022 continuamos con el Grupo de Discusión sobre “Los Desafíos Institucionales de la Argentina”. En esta segunda reunión analizamos

Discussion Group "Argentina´s Institutional Challenges"
Primera Reunion “Sistema Político Argentino – Sus rasgos y controversias” El miércoles 2 de noviembre de 2022 tuvo lugar, a través de la plataforma Zoom,

Discussion group on "Law, Legislation and Liberty" by Friedrich A. Hayek. Tuesdays 16, 23 and 30 August 6 p.m.
La Fundación Instituto David Hume los invita a su grupo de discusión sobre la obra “Derecho, Legislació y Libertad de F. A. Hayek, el que

Ten years of the
Hume Foundation

“Rules and Order”, cincuenta años después.
Por Federico G. M. Sosa Valle En el año 1973, Friedrich A. Hayek publica el primer tomo de tu tríptico “Law, Legislation and Liberty”, titulado

Sobre “El uso del conocimiento / información en la sociedad” de F.A. Hayek
Por Federico G. M. SOSA VALLE En 1945, Friedrich A. Hayek publica bajo el título The Use of Knowledge in Society, en The American Economic