Discussion Group "Argentina´s Institutional Challenges"

First Meeting "Argentine Political System - Its traits and controversies"

On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, the first meeting of the Discussion Group organized by the David Hume Institute Foundation on "The Institutional Challenges of Argentina" took place, through the Zoom platform, in which we analyzed the "Argentine Political System - its features and controversies". It had a large group of participants and an interesting debate.
As a discussion framework for the meeting, it was proposed to watch the video of the class that Dr. Eduardo Zimmermann had given on "Constitutionalism and liberalism in Argentina in the 19th and 20th centuries", in the cycle on Argentine History and Thought that the Fundación Hume had organized together with the Institute for Political Education and Public Management of the City of Buenos Aires, whose link we share here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv6nUCE91x8&t=1878s



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Adrián Lucardi

Profesor asistente de Ciencia Política en el ITAM (México). Se recibió de politólogo en la Universidad de San Andrés y su doctorado en la Washington University in St. Louis. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas académicas sobre carreras políticas, sistemas electorales, y elecciones en regímenes autoritarios.