The David Hume Institute Foundation

The David Hume Institute Foundation David Hume – Center for Research in Normative and Institutional Evolution – is a research center and academic think tank, based in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, which aims to explore various lines of thought in the areas of law, the humanities, and the social sciences, in order to understand the evolution of norms and institutions and make public policy proposals.
It takes its name from the empiricist philosopher David Hume, exponent of the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, whose ideas and spirit of free inquiry today inspire many of the most recent schools of thought about man and society, especially those that offer an evolutionary perspective of the institutions and that propose an interaction between the social and natural sciences.

It is the purpose of the David Hume Foundation to update the academic debate by incorporating the most recent advances in the fields of evolutionary theory, experimental philosophy and economics, evolutionary game theory, behavioral law and economics, neuroscience, as well as more recent versions of the public choice school, new institutional economics, and rational choice theory. “La Fundación David Hume se aboca al análisis de diversos aspectos de la realidad social a la luz de estas miradas, elaborando investigaciones y ofreciendo actividades de difusión de las mismas.”

Who was David Hume?
At the time of its creation, the David Hume Institute Foundation had the support of different people to whom we are very grateful: Gabriela Serra (Notary Public), Pablo Wegbrait (Lawyer specializing in Trademarks and Patents), Sonia Domínguez (Graphic Designer) and María Elena Frumento, who gave us unconditional support and gave us the place for the meetings during the first years.
Over the years we have received the support of different people and institutions, receiving a Grant from Atlas Network in 2014.
Since 2014 and until now, we are deeply grateful to the company Argenmar S.A. who has welcomed us in their offices, given workplace and meeting rooms during all these years.
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